
P1: Learners produce pre-production materials for a planned original audio media product 

In this learning outcome you will:
Analyse podcasts
Brainstorm and design your podcast show
Write a script 
Plan assets
Plan a schedule

Download the contents of this folder to your Mac, put it in a Unit 20 P1 folder

Open the analysis sheet in Photoshop.

You will listen to About To Review as a class.

Podcast Analysis Sheet


You need to analyse multiple podcasts. This will be useful to understand the conventions and styles of podcasts, so that when you plan your own podcast you can make sure it sounds and feels professional. Use this sheet to complete your analysis.

You can also choose a Podcast to analyse if you already listen to some. Here are some example links 

Joe Rogan Experience - http://podcasts.joerogan.net/
Hip Hop Saved My life - https://play.acast.com/s/hiphopsavedmylife
That Peter Crouch Podcast - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p06kyljg/episodes/player

BBC Podcasts - https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/category/podcasts?sort=popular?xtor=SEC-1-[GOO]-[72274492741]-[374611925684]-S-[free%20podcasts]


Part A: 

Compare the two reviews, what elements do they have in common? What worked well, what was less successful and then 

Make a Similarities/Differences section

Part B:

Create a Top 5 Tips list on what you think is necessary for a good podcast:

i.e. Clear and precise Audio 

You can create an infographic or sheet of tips you think will help you make the best podcast possible. 

Either use Piktochart (Good for icons and imagery etc) or use google slides or powerpoint 

Add all the below to P1. 

Ideas sheet 

a) Podcast treatment:
Treatments are an important part of the creative process in which you decide fundamentals about your project. In this treatment you need to discuss and decide on a variety of creative issues which should help give you a clear idea of what your podcast will be like, before you start the next stage of pre-production. Use this sheet to complete your treatment.

Treatment document

b) Sound Script (download example here) or BBC template is here
Now you have decided on the fundamentals of your project, it is time to write your script. A detailed script will allow you to help see how your podcast will sound and flow, so ensure you are as specific as possible with realistic timings. Your script must include the following:

  • Intro
  • Interview
  • 4x vox pops
  • Outro

Use this sheet to complete your treatment

c) Asset Plan (Document)
Once your script has been tested and you are happy with it, it's helpful to make an asset plan. An asset plan for a podcast is when you figure out what specific audio you need for your podcasts, as quite often segments require different audio. Use this sheet to complete your asset plan.

d) Production Schedule (Add this document to your drive)

Once you have planned the creative elements of your production, it's time to plan the logistical part of your production, your schedule. Your schedule should contain:

  1. What dates you can record
  2. Who you need to complete the recording
  3. Where you record
  4. What equipment you need
  5. Contingency plans
  6. Use this sheet to complete your schedule

You will be given a fixed time to record in the studio but all your other assets will need to be collected.  For example you will need to plan when and where you will record your interview.
(you don't need to finish this in the first week but do as much as you can)
Use this plan to help

P1 Extension Task 

Podcast Structure Layout - Piktochart Task 

You Start to layout your podcast structure into categories of how you will edit. This will act as a paper edit and help you when deciding how to layout your show. Break the areas down into bitesize pieces. For example You should know that after your Intro/Jingle you will go to an introduction of the show and guest. That will then be followed by Review (1st part of the pro argument) etc 

Use Piktochart to make your structure and use the example as help 

e) Audition screen grab

Task 1

Adobe Audition is the software you and professionals use to create podcasts. To get familiar with the software, create a quick how-to guide. This guide should show, with screenshots (cmd+4) and descriptions how to do the following:

  • Create a new session
  • Import audio
  • Trim audio
  • Edit two bits of audio together
  • Exporting the session

Use Goggle Slides or Piktochart 

Task 2

Next create a jingle for your podcast (an opening show title) and start to effect and create a catchy opening. You should be testing various effects and designs within Adobe Audition. Export and upload your Jingle with and explanation on each effect used and why 

Audition tips 

How to make a jingle 

Podcast ID Tutorial 
Best effects in Audition 

Audition Asset Folder 

M1: The pre-production materials produced are fit for purpose and generally of a good technical standard

Some good tips for podcasting can be found here and here


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